
    WHT needs the following software to function properly:

- A Linux computer (developed under Linux RedHat 9).
- Apache 2.x.x with suexec module enabled.
- PHP 4.2.x --with-mysql --enable-ftp --with-gettext (WHT uses PHP as a command line interpretor too).
- Sudo.
- MySQL.
- FTP server (ProFTPD or vsftpd).
- Gettext.

  Note: To use WHT you need your own dedicated or co-located server (not a shared one) and access as superuser (root). You can't run WHT on a system where another Control Panel, like Cpanel and Plesk, is installed. Both programs edit the same system configuration files and a misconfiguration might occur.

Standard Linux distributions do not include the following packages. WHT can work without these programs but I advise you to use them. It is a little difficult to install properly Qmail but I can help.

To use virtual email  needs:
- Qmail
- Vpopmail

WHT can create databases and MySQL users but for everything else you can use:
- phpMyAdmin

To view traffic statistic needs:
- AWStats