Note: You can't use the second method with the standart httpd rpm package in
RedHat 9. If you use this distribution and want to use the second method download the
rpm from
here. The only difference between the standart and my rpm is that I enabled the
ext_filter module.
To uninstall the standart and install my rpm:
# rpm -e --nodeps httpd-2.0.40-21
# rpm -ivh /path/to/my/rpm/httpd-
Your old httpd.conf file will be saved as httpd.conf.rpmsave. Not to configure Apache
again delete the new httpd.conf file and rename the old httpd.conf.rpmsave to httpd.conf.
You can use the same procedure for all the Apache configuration files in /etc/httpd/conf.d.
Now insert the following row in httpd.conf:
LoadModule ext_filter_module modules/